Israel’s UNRWA ‘tunnel’ smear collapses as ‘Hamas’ gear revealed as solar power kit | SKWAWKBOX

This is a few days old now, but worth keeping handy because Israel’s apologists and spokespeople are still reeling out the lie that there are Hamas tunnels under any Gaza building the IDF targets:

Israel’s appalling – and woefully inept – propaganda has been exposed again after the Israeli military showed reporters around what it claimed was a ‘Hamas tunnel’ under the Gaza HQ of UN aid agency UNRWA.

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A video published by Fox News of the tour revealed green boxes on the walls of the supposed ‘tunnel’ – but as former diplomat Craig Murray pointed out, the boxes are not supposed ‘terror’ equipment. Instead, they are solar power converters kept in a cellar to keep them cool as they process energy from solar panels above – and the wires leading from them into the UNRWA building were there to send the converted electricity up into the HQ, as you’d expect.

Despite the ease of checking what the IDF claimed – and the IDF’s long record of ridiculous lies and smears – the so-called ‘mainstream’ media have tamely parroted the lie.

Israel’s attempts at propaganda have routinely been exposed almost as soon as they were uttered … Just as routinely, western governments and media continue to regurgitate the lies without fact-checking, or just as likely in full knowledge that they are lies.

Source: Israel’s UNRWA ‘tunnel’ smear collapses as ‘Hamas’ gear revealed as solar power kit – SKWAWKBOX

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One Comment

  1. El Dee February 17, 2024 at 4:18 pm - Reply

    Whilst carefully curating what to report on the main evening news the BBC has, at least, on their ‘Verified’ programme, been sceptical of all information received from IDF and the Israeli Govt. It has sought to verify it in the same way as with footage received from civilians in hospitals under attack and when it cannot verify it will say ‘Israel states/claims but we were unable to verify OR will state that there ‘is no evidence OR that it is incorrect’ Of course NONE of the ‘Verified’ footage ever makes it to the main news and they still ‘curate’ comments by failed council candidates that are anti-Zionist and portray them as anti-Semitic whilst ignoring (on the same day) the much bigger story of Lord Austin’s Islamophobic comments on ‘X’

    NB whilst the BBC has wilfully ignored the story on Austin I note that Wikipedia hasn’t..

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