Labour has reneged on its promise to criminalise polluting water firms

Labour has reneged on its promise to criminalise polluting water firms

Labour has reneged on its promise to criminalise polluting water firms by abstaining on a Parliamentary vote to do just that.

Labour has stated it would “strengthen regulation so law-breaking water bosses face criminal charges”.

But when the Liberal Democrats tried to amend the Tory Criminal Justice Bill to make it a criminal offence for privatised water companies to dump sewage, Keir Starmer’s minions abstained en masse.

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The Tories voted against it, meaning it was defeated by 262 votes to 17. They would; they’ve been supporting the pollution of water with human waste since Boris Johnson’s day (featured image).

The Lib Dem amendment could have forced firms to invest in increased sewage treatment capacity, and to deal with sewage and rainwater separately.

But Keir Starmer pandered to the profiteers instead.

At a time when people in South Devon are living in fear of the water-borne parasite cryptosporidium, due to a fault in the supply from South West Water, his decision could not have been more tactless.

For voters, it might even be a deal-breaker.

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  1. Keith Roberts May 19, 2024 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    For the last 50+ years I, and millions of other owners and renters, have been paying for a domestic water service which currently charges for the provision of water (at a cost), for dealing with rainwater which has fallen on my roof, (at a cost) and for safe disposal of waste water (at a cost). My job is to pay the bill, their job is to deliver those elements today and into the future. I have met my part of the bargain!

  2. Tony May 19, 2024 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    Do not vote Labour while Starmer is in charge of it.

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