Do you really want the lying Keir Starmer to be your prime minister?

Do you really want the lying Keir Starmer to be your prime minister?

He’s been caught telling untruths again. Do you really want the lying Keir Starmer to be your prime minister?

Only days ago, Starmer said lifting Diane Abbott’s suspension from the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) so she could be a candidate in the general election was a matter for party processes and the National Executive Committee, but it seems she has already been through all the party processes that were required of her:

So Labour’s investigation into Ms Abbott finished five months ago and she has carried out the actions that were required of her as a result – but she has still not been re-admitted to the PLP.

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The revelation has sparked outrage. Here’s the response from left-wing organisation Momentum:

And here’s Claudia Webbe, who was also a Labour MP but is now standing as an Independent after being mistreated by the party:

It all suggests that a Labour government under Starmer is a terrible idea:

Astonishingly, a large proportion of the voting public still thinks that Labour and Starmer are the best choice to lead the UK after the July 4 general election. This is madness.

This Writer can only conclude that it is because they have not been properly informed about the alternatives that are available to them.

There are a few decent Labour candidates (like this one) but most constituencies will have good, left-wing Independent, Green or Worker’s Party candidates.

If you can, then vote for one of them rather than Keir Starmer and his party of liars.

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One Comment

  1. Martyn May 28, 2024 at 7:15 pm - Reply

    Starmer must be sacked! he has heaped shame and disgraceon the labour movement as a whole!

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