Corbyn cuts to the heart of Tory lies – but will he win the hearts of Scottish voters?
When you read what Jeremy Corbyn said about the Conservative conference, you’ll see that he’s got it exactly right.
Would Andy Burnham have been so forthright about the Tory lies? Would Yvett Cooper? Liz Kendall would probably have praised the Tories for saying all the right things.
But Corbyn wants us all to remember there is a world of difference between what the Tories say and the brutal things they do. Here he is:
Jeremy Corbyn has denounced the Conservative party conference as “a feast of spin and deception” peppered with “fake” claims in an attempt to inhabit the political centre ground.
Attacking the Tories’ cuts to tax credits… Corbyn challenged any suggestion that this week’s party conference had revealed a more centrist approach, arguing: “The Tory conference was a feast of spin and deception. Fake claims to be on the side of working people while robbing three million low-paid families of £1,300 a year with the tax credit cuts.”
In a strongly worded critique of recent Tory rhetoric, he went on: “Fake claims to be fighting poverty on the very day independent research revealed their cuts would drive more than 200,000 working households into poverty.
“Fake claims to support equality as Theresa May was condemned by the Institute of Directors for jeopardising Britain’s economic recovery by pandering to anti-immigration sentiment.
“And it wasn’t just Theresa May who let the mask slip to reveal how far the Tories are from the common ground. Jeremy Hunt showed low-paid workers just what the Tories really think of them when he said their tax credits had to be cut to make them graft.
“So behind the spin and the rhetoric we could all see out of their own mouths it was the same old Tories: on the side of the few, not the many; robbing millions of Britain’s low-paid workers to fund an inheritance tax cut for the 60,000 wealthiest estates; whose answer on tax credits now is apparently to send families their cuts letter after, rather than before, Christmas.”
In what was Corbyn’s first appearance in public since David Cameron described him as a “security-threatening, terrorist-sympathising, Britain-hating” ideologue in his conference speech on Wednesday, the Labour leader dismissed the “crude personal attack”.
Corbyn said: “Our huge and growing membership, a revitalised Labour, is what has rattled Cameron and the Tories. While they hide behind crude personal attacks, we will continue to judge their actions, not their words because Labour stands with the many, the great majority of the British people who demand a fairer and more equal society.”
These words were taken from a report in The Guardian, which still can’t seem to stop itself from trying to attack the Labour leader. The story states that he “reappeared” at a housing association in the east end of Glasgow on Friday afternoon, “following days of speculation about his whereabouts”. Really? Tim Farron hasn’t been in the news much over the last few days; nor has Nigel Farage. Have there been “days of speculation” about what they’ve been doing?
Of course not. It turns out he was there to attend Scottish Labour’s annual dinner. He knows that the Scottish Parliament elections next year will be an important test of his leadership. Will he be able to win back Scottish voters with his return to Labour’s core values and beliefs?
Time will tell but – for This Writer – he’s made a good start, not just in Scotland but across the United Kingdom.
Source: Corbyn says Cameron’s ‘crude personal attack’ shows Tories are rattled | Politics | The Guardian
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The Graud really is showing it’s true colours, utterly right wing Blairites, Russophobic and prepared to make false representations, lies and deceptions. This week they managed to misrepresent a hell cannon as a barrel bomb and assigned blame to a Syrian group when in fact if was a US funded group referred by the Syrians and social media as the White Hats. Now they are still repeating Obama’s lie about Assad and the chemical weapon attack that the US kicked off their war against Assad despite the UN investigators categorically stipulating that Assad could not have been the perpetrator on 2 separate pages of the lengthy report. Since Jeremy Corbyn has come into the light the Graud have done everything they could to sling mud and accusations against him as have the BBC. Some day in the not too distant future the Graud will lose it’s place and join the other trash that is our Mainstream media shills and cockroaches.
It seems to have happened, since Rusbridger was replaced by the new creature as Editor-in-Chief.
Not only replacement of Russberger…but I read somwhere recently(can’t find the link now) that there are now 6 new (right of centre) members on The Board..hence the swing to the right in tone and editoral comment..
Time for a campaign of elimination, perhaps.
He would probably do better in Scotland if it was possible to somehow jettison Kezia Dugdale. As long as she’s the face of Labour up here, they’ll be struggling for support. Unfortunately Corbyn doesn’t have that power.
Oh? So are you saying Scottish Labour isn’t just a branch office of the UK Labour Party after all?
No, I am not. I suppose Corbyn could theoretically do the jettisoning himself by kicking her out the party but, being the honourable type he is, I would expect he would stick to the protocol of allowing the Scottish Government’s Labour members to elect their own leader, however lousy they may be.
The Scottish government doesn’t have any Labour members; you mean the Scottish Parliament.
Well, which is it? In one scenario, Scottish Labour is a branch office; in the other, it isn’t. It can’t be both, and even though you’re saying you think it’s the branch office, you’re arguing in both directions.