Donald Trump is giving racist organisations a chance to grow

Imperial Wizard Chris Barker says there has been a surge in “white pride” – and I can’t believe I’m typing these words. “Imperial Wizard”? Does he think he’s playing Dungeons and Dragons? (With apologies to D&D afficionados.) [Image: Univision.]

Is this really the kind of revival Donald Trump wants the United States to support?

From where This Writer is sitting, the answer seems to be: Yes.

Trump withdrew his condemnation of white supremacists in Charlottesville at the first available opportunity and, whether applications to join the KKK have increased or not, it – and organisations like it – are capitalising on the publicity they are receiving.

That is unacceptable. If Trump won’t speak out against people who provoke hatred against their fellow citizens on grounds of colour, race, religion or sexual orientation, then he is not representing his country – only a small fraction of it.

Isn’t that enough to have him removed from office?

The Ku Klux Klan has grown faster since Donald Trump’s inauguration than any time in recent memory, a Klan leader has claimed.

“I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and I haven’t seen the Klan grow at the pace it’s growing now,” Chris Barker, an Imperial Wizard of the KKK, told The Independent. “I mean, it’s even hard to keep track of the numbers you’ve got ’cause there’s so many coming in.”

Mr Barker said that after the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville he received 50 applications to join his group in one day. The next day, he received 80.

Mr Barker leads the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, which has less than 200 members. As one of the most active Klan groups in the US, the group takes part in “activism” such as burning crosses, advocating for the murder of immigrants, and distributing leaflets claiming, among other things, “transgender is an abomination”.

Read more: KKK leader claims hate group has grown at record pace since Trump became President

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One Comment

  1. NMac August 24, 2017 at 7:43 am - Reply

    What starts in the USA usually arrives here soon afterwards. Very worrying.

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