If anyone’s running scared of a TV debate on Brexit, it isn’t Jeremy Corbyn

The combatants: Jeremy Corbyn is raring to take part in a TV debate on Brexit – but Theresa May is reluctant unless it happens on the pro-Tory BBC, despite the fact that she issued the challenge.
The attitude of Theresa May’s mass-media stooges defies belief at the best of times but this week it is defying reality.
It seems outlets like Sky and even ITV are suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn is frightened of taking part in a televised debate about Brexit with Theresa May.
These people must think we have really short memories. Here’s Peter Stefanovic to explain the facts:
One of the most ridiculous headlines I have seen recently. It was Theresa May who ran away from a head-to-head with Corbyn in the 2017 General election. Corbyn has always been willing to go head to head with May. The real headline is will May Show up https://t.co/oOJXJujpPN
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) December 3, 2018
That’s right – Theresa May ran away from a head-to-head with Mr Corbyn, not 18 months ago – she sent Amber Rudd to the TV debates instead. That’s why many of us – including myself – have been questioning whether she will show up this time.
Mr Corbyn has always been willing to go head to head with Mrs May, as the following indicates:
Downing Street accuses Jeremy Corbyn of running scared from Brexit TV debate – despite him making it abundantly clear that he will debate Theresa May on ITV
Theresa May, however, has opted for Tory mouthpiece, the BBC
— Socialist Voice (@SocialistVoice) December 3, 2018
It seems more likely that Mrs May is worried that he’ll make mincemeat of her and is trying to sabotage the event by claiming he is trying to ruin it by being difficult about the venue and format (in fact, as the person accepting the challenge, the choice should be up to him).
And it seems Mrs May is right to be afraid; she fell apart when questioned by Philip Schofield on that heavyweight political debate programme, This Morning! See for yourself:
Theresa May went on This Morning thinking she would get an easy ride. Things didn't quite go to plan!
Watch May lose it with Philip Schofield😲
How is she going to cope with a head to head with Jeremy Corbyn? #BrexitChaos #TakeBackControl #MayMustGo @DerbyChrisW @labourlewis pic.twitter.com/u5nlJbELcp— B heard media ❤️ (@bheardmedia) December 3, 2018
Lightweight political operators like Vince Cable have been weighing in to support Mrs May’s side – but they are lightweights, simply trying to get noticed. The fact is that Mrs May wants the debate to be hosted by the BBC because the BBC is biased in her favour – and that is all the reason we need to demand that the debate happens elsewhere:
Much better to debate on ITV, Sky or Channel Four because the BBC can’t any longer be trusted to run an impartial debate https://t.co/N9mXVqJKXi
— Andrew Adonis (@Andrew_Adonis) December 3, 2018
Lord Adonis is absolutely right. Consider the pro-Tory support that lurks in the BBC’s political news team – an organisation which, let’s not forget, put an actor on our screens to pretend that she was a “pastor” who supports Mrs May’s Brexit deal, and hoped we wouldn’t notice (we did). Tom Pride provides details of some of these Tory stooges:
No wonder Jeremy Corbyn didn't want the face-to-face Brexit debate with Theresa May to be run by @BBCPolitics .
Here are some other Conservative supporters paid by the BBC to act as supposedly impartial imposters. pic.twitter.com/lPdTfy3RJO— Tom Pride (@ThomasPride) December 3, 2018
Fortunately this deception is so paper-thin that all but the most gullible people are seeing through it:
Make no mistake: If the debate doesn’t happen, it will be because Mrs May ran away again.
Any other interpretation is just sick Tory spin.
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Without doubt in any debate Jeremy Corbyn will wipe the floor with May. It doesn’t surprise me to learn that the right wing media are already spreading lies so that when May pulls out Jeremy will be blamed.
Don’t really see the point of reMAYn debating with another remainer.
It’s sickening,always trying twist it to make J.C. look bad.
Yes T.May sent Rudd in her stead
even though her father had just passed away just goes to show how she (T.M.) is so bloody heartless . . I’m always on the Daily Mirror leaving comments
there’s so many trolls on there it’s so obvious . . .
Thanks for the good work
Mr Mike it’s appreciated . . .