#TonyBlairPetition: bid to stop former PM from having a #knighthood tops a million signatures

Last Updated: January 8, 2022By Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Tony Blair: he thought he was going to be knighted after dragging the UK into a genocidal war against a country that wasn’t doing us any harm. Now he may have to think again.

The petition to stop Tony Blair being made a “Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter” has now acquired more than a million signatures – but the tiny minority of the privileged in Westminster are digging in their heels.

The petition passed a million signatures yesterday – January 7 – and at the time of writing has nearly 1,050,000.

Some have commented on the number in terms of the number of deaths Blair caused during his disastrous adventure into Iraq with George W Bush of the United States:


But others have been busy devising spurious arguments to stymie the will of the people.

This Writer has heard rumours that Downing Street will refuse to accept the petition, point-blank. No explanation, no justification – just entitled disdain for the demands of the grubby Great Unwashed (as they still consider us).

An alternative has been put by Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey – that whether Blair receives a knighthood is a matter for the Queen:

There’s just one problem with this – but it’s a big one: the Queen is not responsible for decisions on who receives a knighthood; she acts on the recommendation of the prime minister – and in this case, he is acting on the recommendation of Labour leader Keir Starmer.

So for Davey – sorry, Sir Ed – to suggest that the petition is flying in the face of the Queen’s wishes is nonsense.

And all the time, the total number of signatures is mounting up. So far, nearly one-fortieth of the electorate has signed.

How many will have to, before the Establishment realise we won’t back down?

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