Israel’s UK ambassador reveals the plan for Palestine: ANNIHILATION

Last Updated: December 18, 2023By Tags: , , , , , ,

Tzipi Hotovely: in an unguarded moment, she has given away Israel’s entire strategy – it seems.

Out of the mouths of babies and rabidly racist, genocidal foreign politicians…

That country’s ambassador to the UK has made it abundantly clear that Israel has only one plan for Palestinians: to wipe all hope of a Palestinian state off the table and consign them to a hopeless existence as a permanent underclass in the New Israel.

This version of Israel would exist geographically “from the River to the Sea”. Strange, isn’t it, how that phrase is deemed genocidally anti-Semitic when applied to Palestine but perfectly acceptable when used to discuss an Israeli state that would have actually perpetrated genocide against Palestinians in order to achieve its aims.

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Here’s Owen Jones’s video on the subject. Also, take note of the way he destroys claims that Palestine can’t be suffering genocide because its population is increasing; it is affluent, contented societies whose populations fall – those that are under attack have constantly increasing populations.

Not convinced?

Try listening to a plethora of other Israeli politicians telling us what they want to do with Gaza:

Alternatively, how about this little gem?

So now we know.

But Israel is still being treated with kid gloves by the western governments. Why?

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  1. Martyn December 19, 2023 at 7:42 am - Reply

    Israel must now be disarmed, its nuclear arsenal removed, all the land it has stolen,handed back to Palestine, all the illegal settlers booted out of Palestine.Force Israel back behind its original border, and make sure they stay there! All those countries who armed Israel, enabling them to commit their war crimes, their crimes against humanity and genocide, must be forced to rebuild all that has been damaged and destroyed by Israel.Plus there must be Nuremburg style war crimes trials to hold All those who are guilty of terrorism and murder to account. Then an international border force must be formed to make sure Israel never again is able cross their border to commit their war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

  2. Martin Odoni December 19, 2023 at 10:50 am - Reply

    RE: The growing population, that’s part of the point of Israel always trying to avoid a reasonable settlement. The Palestinian population are under constant pressure, and that tends to mean it grows more quickly than the Jewish population. If there were a fair, equitable, one-man-one-vote One-State Solution, with every adult allowed to vote in the Knesset elections, the Palestinian electorate would outnumber the Jewish electorate by about the mid-2030s, and that would mean they could just vote the Zionist parties out of power. That would mean, “Bingo!” the death of the ‘Jewish State’.

    And a Two-State Solution would never happen because for it to be acceptable to the Palestinians, it would require at least SOME of the lands currently occupied by Israel being restored to Palestine, if only to pause the terrible overcrowding in Gaza and the West Bank. And as Israel wishes to be the homeland of potentially every Jew on Earth, but doesn’t have anywhere near enough room for them, it can’t afford to relinquish any lands. Au contraire, it needs about four times what it already possesses at present (which is why I am certain that when the last of Palestine is swallowed up into Israel, the IOF will start a new war to seize Lebanon. Then Syria, then Jordan, then Egypt).

  3. Hecuba December 19, 2023 at 1:27 pm - Reply

    UK’s fascist tory fake government are only interested in their self-serving needs which are always profits and more profits. The fascist tories and their underlinings the fascist labour don’t care about the Palestinians as evidenced by their dismissal of impoverished women, children and men living in the UK. These fascists are only interested in increasing their political power and wealth and given there are supposedly oil and gas fields in the seas adjoining Gaza this is why the fascist tories are supporting the murderous Israeli facist regime!

    The fascist Israeli regime are imitating the murderous nazis and yet these self same fascist Israelis have the audacity to claim they are the ‘real victims!’

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