Here's why David Cameron is wrong about arms sales to Israel

Here’s why David Cameron is wrong about arms sales to Israel

The Tories are trying to trick us again. Here’s why David Cameron is wrong about arms sales to Israel.

The Foreign Secretary wants us to believe that the UK should not stop selling weapons to Israel, on account of that country committing a genocide in Gaza, because we only provide one per cent of what it buys and because it will give Hamas a chance to rebuild its strength.

Almost in the same breath, he has said that he cannot support a major Israeli offensive in Rafah, where most of Gaza’s population has been driven by the ongoing genocide. He said Israel must protect civilians and do more to allow humanitarian aid into the enclave (if that is the correct term for it).

How utterly ridiculous.

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Firstly, the issue of selling arms to Israel has nothing to do with how much we sell or whether stopping it would help Hamas; it is unacceptable because Israel is committing genocide.

Secondly, the amount of weapons we sell is immaterial because it is not acceptable to sell any weapons to a country committing genocide; if UK sales are so small, it wouldn’t make much of a difference to Israel’s ability to defend itself against Hamas – and in any case, Israel should have considered the consequences before it started murdering innocent men, women and especially children.

This Writer has seen video of children’s faces being zipped into body bags – because that was all that was left of their heads – showing the effects of Israel’s bombardment of Rafah preparatory to its ground assault. There is absolutely no indication that the Israeli war machine has ever, or will ever, have any consideration for the lives of innocent Arabs.

Finally: Israel bombs humanitarian aid convoys. No aid charity whose bosses were in their right minds would send its people to face that.

That is why Cameron is wrong about arms sales to Israel.

And it should come back to bite him.

He might argue that there has not been a legal ruling to say Israel is committing a genocide. But we know that will not come for at least a year, when the International Court of Justice delivers its verdict.

If that verdict is “guilty”, then any country that supplied arms to Israel will be an accessory to genocide and the ministers responsible – such as Cameron – will be liable for prosecution.

I wonder how he plans to escape that fate?

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One Comment

  1. Peter Needs May 12, 2024 at 9:16 pm - Reply

    One is always hearing about Israels right to defend itself, but never about Palestines right to defend itself.

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