Tories want fly-tippers to have points on their driving licences

Bread and circuses 1: Tories want fly-tippers to have points on their driving licences

The Tories want fly-tippers to have points on their driving licences, they have announced.

So what?

Why should this be a general election pledge?

How does it make the lives of the masses better?

As it is, repeat offenders already face five years in prison and an unlimited fine – and the new proposal ignores one important question:

What if they don’t even have driving licences?

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This Writer can only conclude that this policy proposal is intended to distract us from our own problems by diverting our attention towards harshnesses inflicted on others for relatively minor offences – much as the Roman policy of ‘Bread and Circuses’ was intended to do.

Wikipedia tells us: “In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction, or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace, by offering a palliative: for example food (bread) or entertainment (circuses). Juvenal originally used it to decry the “selfishness” of common people and their neglect of wider concerns. The phrase implies a population’s erosion or ignorance of civic duty as a priority.

“In context, the Latin panem et circenses (bread and circuses) identifies the only remaining interest of a Roman populace that no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement.”

I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of these proposals in the weeks leading up to July 4, as our main political parties desperately try to distract us from the fact that they don’t have any good ideas to improve our quality of life and would not enact them, even if they did.

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