Average energy bills will rise by £146 because your leaders are idiots

Average energy bills will rise by £146 because your leaders are idiots

Last Updated: August 19, 2024By Tags: , , , , , , ,

Experts are predicting that in the autumn, average energy bills will rise by £146 because your leaders are idiots.

Energy consultancy Cornwall Insight has said it expects the typical household’s energy bill to rise by nine per cent to £1,714 a year on October 1.

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Apparently this is because of “recent tensions in the Russia-Ukraine war” that also mean there is likely to be a further “modest” increase in January 2025, together with others in the new year.

The UK could have been energy-independent by now, but a Tory leader, in her ignorance, sold the nation’s ability to generate power into private hands that favoured buying fossil fuel from abroad over developing renewable energy sources.

No leader since has taken the necessary action to restore independence.

And now look where that has put us. And what will it do to inflation?

Source: Average household energy bills expected to rise by £146 ahead of winter months | ITV News

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One Comment

  1. Keith Roberts August 20, 2024 at 11:06 am - Reply

    I would have thought that, by now, most people have woken up to the idea that we are being washed away by a tsunami of Venture Capitalism as Corporations have realised that there are no constraints at all to their greed. From fossil fuels to Tesco which has, apparently, “worked hard” to cut prices, … and “doubled down” on schemes aimed at offering shoppers better value for money, resulting in a 230% leap in profits on a 4.4% rise in sales.
    I know, you imagine all of this shareholder wealth is going to end up in your pension but think again, they already have eyes on the ££trillions in these funds. It could well be gone by the time you get there and our Government will have let them steal it!

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