Black Triangle Website Back Online After Daily Mail Has It Shut Down – Same Difference

The Daily Mail was successful in shutting down the Black Triangle Campaign website by serving the disability campaign a ‘cease and desist’ letter from their lawyers”, according to the Same Difference blog.

“The Daily Mail ran a story about “NC” [anonymised by request on June 15, 2020], claiming that she works four jobs/35 hours per week, and is £400 a month worse off than she would be if she received disability benefit. Online Bloggers found inconsistencies about this report and blogged about it.

“After writing a blog on this issue, Black Triangle received an email from their hosting company, Orange, informing them that their website is suspended until  “… any pages referring to NC the person. This is a breach of privacy laws displaying photos without permission. Your account is suspended until you make contact and change this.”

“With the website suspended, Black Triangle simply could NOT gain access to their website to edit any of their website.  Since then, it has been made clear to BlackTriangle that Orange – their hosting company – has received a ‘cease and desist’ letter from the lawyers involved in this case.

“Black Triangle’s website has now back online after Orange allowed access to the Black Triangle webmaster to remove the offending article but this shows how low the right-winged press will go to continue their attacks on the disabled community in the UK.”

Anyone concerned with free speech should be furious about this. Just because the Daily Mail has money and influence with Orange, it was able to silence another news source that was exercising its right to provide a fair comment on an issue.

It seems that Black Triangle had found inaccuracies in the Daily Mail story, which indicates that the site was right to criticise the ‘newspaper’ in its article.

The Mail habitually escapes with many infringements of Press Complaints Commission rules, apparently because the PCC is dominated by Daily Mail personnel – Paul Dacre, the Mail’s editor, sits on the PressBoF committee that dominates the PCC and also chairs the Editors’ Code Committee. Meanwhile, one of the three directors of the company that owns both the PCC and its planned successor, IPSO, is Peter Wright, editor emeritus at the Mail group.

A large amount of effort goes into making the Mail look respectable, every day.

What does it have to hide?

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  1. Jeff Scarisbrick-Wright September 4, 2014 at 9:33 am - Reply

    The mindset that says “she has 4 jobs and can’t meet disability benefit? Scandalous! Disability benefit must be reduced” baffles me. The mindset that says “so those four companies are equally screwing this poor woman, this is perfectly acceptable”. This mindset baffles me.

  2. Jeffrey Davies September 4, 2014 at 9:59 am - Reply

    its a story told streched the facts to their liking then promote but when disabled start to show it up its penalised yet lets look has this site gone to iceland to get away from this but it seems even in iceland they can have you shut down like so many disabled people who have bloggs there isnt it strange just like in the thirtys they who didnt conform were shut up i wonder its not so far from the truth hay jeff3

  3. Bill Kruse September 4, 2014 at 10:34 am - Reply

    Wasn’t this actually about BT reproducing a photo from DM which was copyright?

    • Mike Sivier September 4, 2014 at 10:38 am - Reply

      That’s what the Daily Mail claimed. Do you honestly think that’s what was really behind it?

      • Tony Dean September 4, 2014 at 11:21 am - Reply

        Mike the original story in Daily Mail was a crock of the proverbial. Which had the DM checked up on the woman BEFORE they printed it, they would never have run it.
        I and as you a probably well aware a lot of other people contacted the DM and informed them with references, that they had been had.
        The story was changed slightly shortly afterwards.
        I suspect the woman in the story wants the Google history removed which has caused the DM to panic.

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