US orders Israel to open aid routes and it does – so this could have happened any time

The United States government has given the world ample evidence that it is as responsible for the genocide and famine in Gaza as Israel – because it could have changed Israel’s behaviour at any time.

What a shame that President Biden never thought to suggest such a thing in the past six months. He could have avoided his nickname, “Genocide Joe”.

So the following is probably not a case of “better late than never”:

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So there you have it.

The United States and Israel are partners in this enormous war crime: genocide. And, since the US is the most powerful military nation on the planet at the moment, nobody can force them to stop or bring them to justice afterwards.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so:

What’s the solution?

Public opinion? It might be possible to shame the US government by informing its people – but how do you persuade those people that their support for Israel is wrong when their mass media are telling them it isn’t – at high volume, all the time?

Sanctions? That would interfere with profit, possibly harming the economy of any country trying it.

What, then?

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  1. Stu April 8, 2024 at 2:14 am - Reply

    I would guess that the conversation went something like…..
    “Get some Aid moving into Gaza NOW!… otherwise they may start asking why our Gas Pipeline Infrastructure posing as an Aid Jetty is taking so long, then we won’t be able to steal the Palestinian Gas as Planned”
    (World Central Kitchen built a Jetty in days)

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