Roger Waters meets Keir Starmer's challenger Andrew Feinstein

Roger Waters meets Keir Starmer’s challenger Andrew Feinstein

If you want to understand why so many Independent candidates are standing for Parliament in opposition to the Gaza genocide, watch this video clip in which musician Roger Waters meets Keir Starmer’s challenger Andrew Feinstein.

It’s quite long at half an hour – but it might be the best half hour you spend today. Try it:

They discuss Israel’s assault on Gaza – the genocide – and the way anybody criticising it tends to be accused of anti-Semitism.

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Roger Waters has been accused, many times, but here we see him saying that all he wants is a state with equal rights for everyone, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. That is a perfectly reasonable position to take.

Andrew Feinstein, who is Jewish, states how he has suffered abuse at the hands of other people who claim to be Jewish – that his mother was a Jew who survived the Nazi Holocaust, so she must have been a capo (a collaborator with the Nazis) and he must be one too.

Mr Feinstein makes the point that, to combat anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, Keir Starmer has expelled more Jews than people of any other ethnicity.

Mr Waters makes the point that, if Mr Feinstein beats Starmer and wins in Holborn & St Pancras, Starmer cannot become prime minister – because he won’t be a member of Parliament. “He is a snake in the grass,” says the musician.

“Who would have thought that we would be watching, on our screens every morning, the most horrendous genocide that we’ve seen since the Second World War, and our governments are not just doing nothing about it – that would be bad enough; they’re enabling, facilitating and profiting from it,” said Mr Feinstein.

“It’s a choice between genocide or empathy,” said Mr Waters. Adding that he was delighted that Mr Feinstein’s team has knocked on 52,000 doors in the constituency and intended not only to call at the remaining residential addresses but to go back to undecided households, he said, “This is a huge gift to give the people of Holborn & St Pancras… to give them the choice between life and death.

“Because Starmer is death, and you (Mr Feinstein) are life – or give them the choice between empathy, which you stand for, and genocide which he stands for… Suddenly they have enormous power because if you are elected and Starmer can’t be prime minister, that is a huge message to the rest of the world.

“Starmer will choose anything he’s told to choose by the ruling class who pull his strings.”

Mr Feinstein pointed out that the refusal of “elites” like Starmer to acknowledge ordinary people is “off the scale”. He said: “Of course Keir Starmer hasn’t turned up in the constituency during the campaign. His picture of him launching his local campaign is shot so tightly that you can’t tell where it is, which strongly suggests that it probably wasn’t in the constituency.”

He said people on the doorstep were amazed that he was even speaking to them – because they never see politicians.

Mr Waters said he had never been so excited about an election because the choice was so stark – and all the electorate has to do is look at all the information available and “do the right thing“.

There’s much more – as you’ll know if you watched the clip before reading the highlights above.

And if you’re in Holborn & St Pancras, who will you support?

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