Cpt Tom Moore hasn’t really been found fit for work – but his fundraising shows the NHS isn’t either

Not a charity: but Captain Tom Moore’s fundraising efforts encourage us to think that’s what the NHS is. Now, why would the Tories and their poodle media want us to think that?
Why is a 99-year-old war veteran having to do laps of his own garden in order to raise money for the UK’s National Health Service?
Why is the government not funding the NHS properly?
Why is nobody asking that fundamental question?
Yes, it is wonderful that Captain Moore is making the effort but it should never have been necessary.
And the fact that the BBC and other news media have jumped on it as a “heartwarming” story only emphasises the fact that they are trying to distract us.
What’s that? Did you ask what they’re distracting us from?
They’re distracting us from the fact that the Conservatives were told to buy equipment including personal protective equipment and ventilators in 2016, after testing the NHS’s ability to deal with a pandemic – and didn’t.
They’re distracting us from the fact that the Conservatives could have bought this equipment when the pandemic was first reported – and didn’t.
They’re distracting us from the fact that they could still buy this equipment now – but won’t.
They’re distracting us from the fact that proper treatment of the coronavirus pandemic requires mass testing – but the Tories are managing only 35,000 a day – reluctantly.
They’re distracting us from the fact that, while a disease doesn’t discriminate between people, society does – which is why people from ethnic minorities are three times more likely to die of the virus than white people.
And they’re distracting us from the fact that, while a disease doesn’t discriminate, society does – which is why poor people are more likely to die than the very rich.
They will keep trying to find ways to distract us until they decide enough of us have died.
Fundraising hero Captain Tom Moore has been assessed as fit to work by the Department of Work and Pensions it has emerged.
The 99-year-old war veteran who has raised in excess of £14m for the NHS by completing 100 laps of his garden will have his state pension and other benefits withdrawn.
“Anyone who is fit enough to go round his garden 100 times is clearly fit for work,” said Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey.
Source: DWP declares Captain Tom Moore fit for work
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Absolutely right, Mike! Tom Moore is a wonderful chap with his heart in the right place, but it’s the GOVERNMENT’S responsibility to fund the NHS to an adequate level. That’s what the population pays taxes for. The NHS should NOT be dependent on charity, which is what Tom Moore’s praiseworthy but wrong-headed exercise boils down to.
I’m not sure he’s particularly wrong-headed in doing what he’s doing. I would say the wrong-headedness comes in accepting that this is an appropriate way to fund the NHS; it isn’t. An appropriate way to fund the NHS is through our taxes, and there is plenty of cash for it.
hes a pensioner. there’s no such thing as taking pensions away because someones fit for work once they reach retirement age. hes retired. done his stint. paid in to receive his pension on retirement. ..where did you get that bit of info from Mike?or have i misunderstood? as a pensioner myself i would like to know if this is true ,because if it is,its first i’ve heard that we can lose our state pensions if we can walk more than the stipulated distance? he must have surely done this in sessions though anyway. not all at once. or is it that he gets DLA? now that i would find more like it. DLA..CAN be lost/taken away for that reason… but not state pension nor private pensions.
You’ve misunderstood. The article was satire but I was using it to make a serious point about the NHS. That’s what the headline means – he hasn’t really been found fit for work, but we shouldn’t take his effort as an acceptable way of funding the NHS.
Ah but they were talking of making us work for our state pensions didn’t anyone take notice of these charlitans oh they had a talk about it but sadly we have allowed them to rape the NHS haven’t you seen those highly trained HCP who write wonderful things about those who visit them for their ESA DLA pip wonderful liars but little by little they taking more benefits away people’s it’s time to wake up to the fact they sacked 180000 personal from the services they sacked around twenty to thirty thousand police without customs job that’s just the tip were were is this monies going to hugosmum you now whot this lot are doing the NHS has had its heart ripped out by these crooks just look how many of them own or sit on the boards of these stripping the assets from the NHS. And on it goes the way it’s going we could see our self’s stacking shelves just for our entitlement
just realised…………… he wasn’t……….. honestly. isn’t there enough to worry about without that? the old man did it cos he wanted to. no one forced him . yes this govt SHOULD have done more in the beginning,. yes they failed to do so because they are a group of incompetents. … emotions are running high. us oldies are wondering if we are going to end our days doing penal servitude . stuck in our homes long before we have got to the stage of being housebound. inactivity ( cos doin armchair exercises does nothing to stop loss of muscle.) will lead us very quickly to losing the ability to walk far. even if we could do so before all this. i have a sister who is petrified of whats going on. widowed only a year ago,. never lived on her own before. and yes so petrified shes actually making me n my daughter worse. she doesn’t talk to her own 4 kids about it. there are times i sit n cry……. doesn’t last long but its the only way i can release some of the tension but also its a feeling of not being in control. last thing we need is to hear tales like the one above twisted into something its not. sorry. but for the first time since ive been following your blog, this has made me angry. was there really a need to make more of what capt tom has done in this way? most of my life ive done voluntary work/ not because i had to. wasn’t forced into it. but i wanted to.thats why most people raise funds. Macmillan is a group of nurses / yes they get paid to look after terminally ill cancer patients. but no one says anything about them asking for money donations……and people raising cash for…them.. its no different to women i know who spend hours crochetting or knitting squares, then sewing them together and adding other things like buttons, ribbons, pompoms. and making them into blankets for those going senile. or prem babies. among others. its still donating to the NHS but they do it cos they enjoy doing it. publish either of these if you wish. or just take on board what ive said. you could have chosen a better subject.i know your feelings about this govt. its same as mine. what that old veteran has done is bloody marvelous at his age. dont know anyone whose ever topped that amount in aNY RACE FOR LIFE. …….
Yes, there was a need to make something of this. It isn’t acceptable that a man of his age should feel the need to do what he has done, because the Tory government couldn’t be bothered to fund our health service properly, and it isn’t acceptable that the media then tried to suggest that his effort is an acceptable way for our health service to be funded.
i can see what your getting at. but hasn’t it always been the same? not necessarily the NHS. yes the govt should be finding the money for the NHS as a normal thing.they weren’t doing it before this pandemic.. but we know they wont fund it. thats why there are charities surely? so many other deserving groups too need help. but i am thinking that for Tom this was possibly a therapeutic thing to do. while in lockdown. something different for him to do. not everyone finds doing puzzles/jigsaws etc therapeutic. i dont myself. .. he possibly felt he was doing something worthwhile. i get that it shouldn’t be needed but unfortunately it is. and while waiting for the govt to put their hands in their pockets to fund the NHS, people are dying. its like someone i know whose son in law told her, i aren’t doing anther thing for you till that lazy son of yours starts doing something for you. knowing full well the said son wasn’t going to do anything for his mother. does that then mean the old lady has do without help altogether in that case? you cant MAKE these Bullingdon boys do anything they dont want to do and they want to run the NHS into the ground before finishing the job of selling it off….. does that mean that more people have to die because no one else should raise funds to get the equipment themselves?
sorry Mike….. i just dont understand that thinking.
No one is asking where all this money being donated is going to??? Who are the NHS Charities? I’ve looked on their web page and there is zero about where the money goes, who the board members are etc. But there is a page of corporate partners – meaning big business companies who have access to the NHS and hence will be selling their commodities to them!!
Since when did the public service NHS become another charity??? What are we paying taxes for? Oh yes to pay the fascist tories their bloated salaries of course!
The public once again is being fooled because this is distraction and typical fascist tory propaganda!
Shame on the greedy callous fascist tories for condoning the fake NHS charities! Capt. Tom Moore is being exploited and the vile fascist tory media are sensationalising this because it effectively hides fact the fascist tory government refused to purchase PPE clothing.
The fascist tories are also responsible for the ever increasing murders of NHS medical staff and female care workers as well as the innumerable women and men dying needlessy due to fascist tory policies!
Finally do not forget the fascist tories knew years ago a pandemic would happen and their only concern was saving a few pennies by not ensuring a stockpile of PPE clothing, plans put in place to implement immediate lockdown, mandatory testing of patients and also testing of everyone else who had come into contact with them.
It’s not rocket science but the fascist tories have one aim – cull all the worthless women and men who are elderly; disabled; have learning difficulties because they are all dispensible!