Prejudiced Tories are unfairly denying benefits to people whose relatives die of Covid-19
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Sanction centre: it isn’t a sanction as such, but anyone receiving compensation for the death of a relative due to Covid-19 will be automatically denied state benefits.
Doesn’t this show how sly, sneaky and underhanded Boris Johnson and his Tory friends are?
If any low-paid frontline NHS and social care workers die of Covid-19, their relatives are entitled to claim a £60,000 lump sum under a Tory compensation scheme.
But if they are already claiming benefits and they do this, they will lose their entitlement to those benefits, meaning they could not claim Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or Pension Credit.
Some of you might think that’s fair; £60,000 is a lot of money, after all.
But this is at a time when Boris Johnson has been dishing out huge sums – £563,400 to consulting firm McKinsey for ‘advice’ that is likely to see the new National Institute for Health Protection sink without a trace, £150 million on face masks that can’t be used, an unspecified amount to Public First for the ‘A’ level results fiasco. Why should benefit claimants lose out when these fat Tories are making such a killing?
Perhaps more to the point, other compensation schemes such as those for the Windrush scandal and the Grenfell Tower fire do not affect entitlement to state benefits. Why should this be different?
The Tories have no answer to this question. Their spokesman is quoted as saying, “It has always been one the central principles of Universal Credit that decisions on awarding the benefit should take into account individuals’ existing ability to meet their basic needs, so that we maintain our focus on supporting families in most need.”
But the Windrush and Grenfell schemes are exempt from being taken into account.
It seems the Tories have created a hierarchy of merit – and relatives of Covid-19 victims have been ruled undeserving, even while ministers’ cronies are mopping up the last coppers from the Treasury that Johnson has emptied.
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How close is the U.K. to Revolution?
People here in Oz are beginning to get angry.
we’re too divided with, so many things to protest about, the last time, poll tax was universally hated because it was so obviously unfair. We’re so confused, we clapped the demise of the NHS. The worst of it is we have no MSM holding them to account. Be interesting how how the new spitting Image will be?
Whot one forgets is UC is a stick to beat the
peasants with if one is claiming working tax child tax
Or another then they got you has one is claiming even when ones works it stop you recieving this unless you give up your claim it was rtu IDs brainchild to beat you with