Centrists are now so arrogant, they’re presenting us with reasons not to vote Starmer

Centrists in the Labour Party are now openly admitting that Keir Starmer lied through his teeth to get himself elected leader.

They’re saying they admire him for talking a load of old claptrap that he didn’t have the slightest intention of honouring, simply to shoehorn himself – a right-wing cuckoo – into the top job at what was then Europe’s largest left-wing political party.

Oh, and they think it’s great that he betrayed everything he said and eviscerated Labour – ejecting thousands of members and alienating hundreds of thousands more:

They seem to think it doesn’t matter that their leader is a filthy liar with no more integrity than a street mugger – probably because their client mainstream media are heavily touting Labour as the future victors of the next UK general election, by a landslide.

I think they believe this will persuade a gullible voting public to support their treacherous party – on the presumption that people are so stupid, they think backing a winner is more important than getting a government with policies that will actually help them.

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Of course the first duty of any voter is to support a candidate in their own constituency who has policies that would help the voter personally. That is all. Whichever party wins the most Parliamentary seats nationally is not your problem.

In your constituency, neither Labour, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats, Reform UK or any other neoliberal nonsense-pushers will do you any good at all.

If you have a Green candidate, check what they’re offering and if it coincides with your beliefs, they might be an option. The Workers’ Party is also well worth checking out.

If you have Independent candidates, go through what they’re offering as well and consider giving your vote to one of them. Independents have the potential to change the course of UK history this year.

Isn’t that better than just voting the way you’re told, like all the other silly sheeple?

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