Healthcare hustings was cancelled because of Labour's no-show

Healthcare hustings was cancelled because of Labour’s no-show

An Islington North healthcare hustings was cancelled because of Labour’s no-show. The imposed candidate – Praful Nargund, a private health entrepreneur who wants more privatisation in the NHS – refused to attend.

The Conservative candidate, Karen Harries, also pulled out, meaning the debate was cancelled.

Independent candidate and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, in contrast, spoke at a rally in support of the NHS at the weekend (pictured) – to hundreds of constituents.

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Members of his team were quick to capitalise on the failures of the Labour and Tory candidates.

“Did you hear?” their email asked.

“Islington North’s healthcare hustings – originally scheduled for tonight – were cancelled after the Labour candidate refused to participate.

“Residents in Islington North deserve to know who their candidates are and what they stand for. Jeremy has always stood for fully funded, fully public healthcare – and against any attempts to allow private interests to carve up our NHS.”

They called for people to come out canvassing for Mr Corbyn, suggesting plans for a big event at the weekend:


131 Plimsoll Rd, London N4 2ED

11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 6.30pm

Thursday 20 June

Campaign Office, London Fashion Centre, 89-93 Fonthill Road N4 3JH

11am, 2pm, 4pm and 7pm

Friday 21 / Saturday 22 / Sunday 23 June

“Keep your eyes peeled for big canvassing plans! Join our Canvassers for Corbyn WhatsApp group to stay updated.”

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  1. Tony June 18, 2024 at 11:37 am - Reply

    Should have done it anyway.

  2. Martyn June 18, 2024 at 6:45 pm - Reply

    just another reason not to vote for the zionist bribed, arch liar Starmer abd his fake Labour, Judas party!

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