National Day of Action Against Sanctions, Bedroom Tax and Benefit Cuts 11/09 – RealFare

Tomorrow will see a national day of protest against benefit sanctions, benefit cuts and the bedroom tax, according to RealFare.

“Campaigners will demand that it be ended now, along with vicious and unnecessary benefit sanction regimes,” the article states, before quoting from

“Ex-soldier David Clapson died hungry and destitute after his benefits were stopped, the latest in a string of deaths and suicides related to sanctions and benefit cuts. The overwhelming majority of referrals to food banks are due to claimants being sanctioned.

“Sanctions cutting benefits of disabled people on Employment and Support Allowance, rose by nearly 580 percent between March 2013 and March 2014, and total sanctions rose to over a million last year, from 100,000 in 2010 (DWP figures).

“PCS union is supporting the 11 September protests.  Research by PCS members working in the DWP revealed that 82% of members felt ‘pressured’ into sanctioning claimants, and 62% said they had made ‘inappropriate’ sanctions decisions.

“Join us on one of protests or organise your own.  Demand an end to the Bedroom Tax and link it to the slogan: ‘No sanctions for claimants, No targets for staff’. Build links with local PCS members – contacts for local PCS in DWP and PCS regions (use contact tab)

“Research has shown that only 1 in 50 claimants who are sanctioned appeal the decision. Of those 90% win their appeal. Forthcoming advice will explain to claimants how they can appeal. “

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  1. Sandra Martin September 10, 2014 at 9:51 am - Reply

    Have emailed BBC to report on this, I live in hope!!?? anyone else want to harass them with emails? the more the merrier.

    • Mike Sivier September 10, 2014 at 9:57 am - Reply

      I would not recommend that you “harass” the BBC!
      Ask nicely! :-)

  2. Stephen Paul Tamblin September 10, 2014 at 10:42 am - Reply

    I say harrass the government nobody wants cuts in benifit and paying for bedroom tax and any one saying we shouldn’t thay aught to get real this country is on its knees I have been diagnosed with vascular dementia and hernia and depression and panic attacks so I don’t want to have any cuts

  3. Thomas M September 10, 2014 at 2:11 pm - Reply

    It most likely won’t be reported unless someone gets hurt or stuff gets smashed up.

    • Stephen Paul Tamblin September 10, 2014 at 9:54 pm - Reply

      I am sorry but if this bloody government say thay have to save money then why are these mps having such a bloody big pay rise how can this be right

      • Mike Sivier September 10, 2014 at 10:25 pm - Reply

        That’s what we’d ALL like to know!

  4. Thomas M September 11, 2014 at 3:29 am - Reply

    They want to save money to spend on themselves.

  5. Yosserian Hughes. September 11, 2014 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    “PCS union is supporting the 11 September protests. Research by PCS members working in the DWP revealed that 82% of members felt ‘pressured’ into sanctioning claimants, and 62% said they had made ‘inappropriate’ sanctions decisions.


    62%? That all?

    No comeback WHATSOEVER for them. Scum of the earth, the PCS. Like I told Johnny Void, some were so ‘upset’ when “RTU” bottled a visit to birmingham that they were “prepared to tear up their £25 M&S vouchers”

    Vouchers that they’d been given for stoppin’ poor sod’s dole money.


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