Will these endorsements encourage Blackburn to vote for Craig Murray? These people hold him in high regard - will the voters?

Craig Murray has launched his election campaign and it’s all about Gaza

Craig Murray has launched his election campaign and it’s all about Gaza.

Here’s his position in a nutshell, as tweeted a few days ago:

It’s a compelling point, isn’t it? In the case of Keir Starmer’s Labour, which not only supports the genocide but persecutes its own left-wing party members, one sees harrowing reflections of other extreme authoritarian parties.

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Starmer has been ruthlessly purging left-wingers from his party’s list of candidates, replacing them with people whose loyalty belongs to him, rather than to any policy platform. Does that remind you of anyone from other countries’ histories?

In an article on his website, Mr Murray – who is standing for the George Galloway-led Workers’ Party in Labour-held Blackburn – made it clear that he opposes both Labour and Conservative politics:

Both major parties support arms sales to Israel, military cooperation with Israel, intelligence links to Israel and trade with Israel. We have to give people something else to vote for.

The Tory stance of Starmer, banging on about “Border security” and endorsing huge amounts of money pumped to the military-industrial complex, sickens me in supposedly coming from a left-wing party.

Will a politician who is prepared to be complicit in thousands of children being slaughtered in Gaza, genuinely care about the education of your child as a poor person in the UK?

But I am happy to say I also firmly support the need to give an alternative to the Thatcherite economic policy offered by both Labour and Tory.

I heard Rachel Reeves launch Labour’s economic policy yesterday and the emphasis on fiscal rigidity, on tax cuts, on allowing untrammelled capital formation, bore no trace of social democratic, let alone socialist thinking.

The return to the homely analogies of state finances with family finances absolutely mirrored Thatcher and either wilfully embraced a fallacy or showed extraordinary ignorance.

Starmer leads a Genocide Party and is as Tory as they come.

I am very pleased to align myself with the Workers Party on nationalisation of Rail, Water, Energy and all natural monopolies – which has always been my position. That is just a start.

Anyone who can help the campaign in Blackburn is urged to email Mr Murray: [email protected].

Otherwise donations to the election fund are very essential:

Cryptocurrency donations welcome:

Bitcoin: bc1q3sdm60rshynxtvfnkhhqjn83vk3e3nyw78cjx9
Ethereum/ERC-20: 0x764a6054783e86C321Cb8208442477d24834861a


Account name
Account number 3 2 1 5 0 9 6 2
Sort code 6 0 – 4 0 – 0 5
IBAN GB98NWBK60400532150962
Bank address Natwest, PO Box 414, 38 Strand, London, WC2H 5JB

Any individual donations over £5000 in value will require to be declared to the Electoral Commission.
Overseas donations have a limit of £500.

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